Official List of Public Tevet Training Institutions in Zambia

Official List of MoTs Tevet training institutions under the department of Vocational training in the Ministry of Technology and Science. These training institutions offer various courses at trade, craft/certificate, technician/advanced certificate and diploma levels.

The Ministry of Technology and Science under the department of Technical and  Vocational Training TEVET provides technical education, vocational and entrepreneurship training through various public training institutions and colleges spread throughout the Country. 

The Ministry has twenty eight training institutions offering courses at trade, craft/certificate, technician/advanced certificate and technologist/diploma levels.

Here is the List of training institutions under the Ministry of Science Technology and Vocational Training: Click on the links below for detailed information about the courses offered by each TEVET institutions and the contact details. Further information may be obtained directly from the institutions listed.

Official List of Public Tevet training institutions under the Ministry of Technology and Science 

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